Warts are small fleshy bumps that can emerge anywhere on the body. Warts are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), a virus with numerous strains that may cause cancer. HPV is an STI, exceedingly contagious and is transmitted via skin-to-skin contact.
Genital warts, to a great degree, are the most contagious ones and the hardest to remove. Not everyone infected with HPV will develop genital warts, while some may have several outbreaks throughout their lifetime.
No matter the whereabouts of your warts, our top clinic in Markham will help you remove them safely.
While there are many home remedies and over the counter treatments and wart removal options available to you, skin specialists everywhere and in our best in the business clinic in Markham, Ontario, Canada, do not endorse these treatments as they can do more harm than good, not to mention they are time-consuming, messy and painful. Furthermore, most do not work in the end.
At our finest clinic in Markham, we offer innovative and affordable solutions to your skincare needs. Our experienced skincare specialists excel at wart removal, particularly genital wart removal.
When dealing with such a skin condition, you must be frustrated and unsettled, genital warts can impact your confidence and social life, and you might feel embarrassed to speak to your doctor about genital warts.
Visit us today for a free no-obligation consultation. We offer all forms of wart removal at affordable prices.
Genital warts may appear anywhere on the vulva, cervix, in and around the vagina and anus, on the penis, scrotum and thighs. Left untreated genital warts can grow into large cauliflower-looking growths that can get irritated, cause discomfort and, in some cases, bleed.
Certain strains of HPV can cause cancer of the vagina, anus, penis and most commonly, cervical cancer. Having multiple partners and unprotected sex increases the risk of contracting HPV; however, getting vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine and using protection will lower your risk of contracting HPV and developing genital warts.
Removing genital warts is a relatively simple procedure with little to no downtime. Our outstanding doctors offer numbing agents and many different removal methods that best suit your situation. Once you arrive at our clinic in Markham, one of our healthcare providers will examine you and take the time to address any concerns you may have and explain all of the options that will work best for you.
Once you have decided on your procedure, our doctor will perform the procedure with utmost care and attention, ensuring you get the best possible care and are satisfied with your results.
Before leaving our clinic, our doctor will take the time to explain any after-care instructions and advise you on any further treatments or follow-up appointments if needed.
What are you waiting for? All you have to lose are your genital warts.
So book your risk-free, no-obligation consultation at our Markham clinic now!
We respect our patients' privacy and the right to confidentiality.